Dunbar PA Boy Scout Troop 180 Turns 100 - Welcome!
**Our 100th Banquet was a complete success! Please scroll down to the bottom of the page to learn more.

Dunbar’s Scout Troop 180 proudly announces our 100th anniversary which we will celebrate throughout 2024. The Troop will be one of the oldest units in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. First formed as Troop 1 in 1924, the troop’s number was changed to 180 in 1962 due to a nationwide reorganization of troop numbers. Through the century over 1000 scouts have been members of the troop and 59 scouts have attained the rank of Eagle, the highest rank in Scouting.
For 95 years - Our Scout Hall
Simultaneous with this occasion, we are also celebrating with Harper School House Inc, a non-profit, tax-exempt organization that owns and preserves the “Scout Hall” which our Scout Troop has used since 1929 - 95 years!!. The Scout Hall was originally known as Harper’s School. It was a one room school that served the children south of Dunbar Borough between the 1880’s and the 1920’s. With this close long-term relationship and it's tax-exempt non-profit status, Harper School House Inc. has volunteered to help with raising funds for our 100th year activities.

A Message from the 100th Committee Chair

Our Plans
Fundraisers – We will be conducting fundraising efforts to help fund our joint 100th celebration and to meet other needs for the Troop and the Harper School House/Scout Hall
We are asking that our former scouts and leaders share their favorite scouting stories and photos with us, some of which we will share in our program book.
SAVE THE DATE - A celebration dinner is scheduled for February 25th, 2024 - see above information on the top page of this website for information on making your reservation to attend the banquet.
Other plans during the 100th year will include a major scout-led conservation project in which the community will be invited to participate. We may also ask former Troop 1/180 members to join the troop for a campout event in late summer to relive the great times we had camping over the years. Details to be announced at a later date.
Updates and more information will be posted on this site in the near future and emailed to those who sign up with us in the section below.
You Can Help !
Click on the link below!!
Contributions may be tax deductible.
>> Click here <<

Please share your favorite Troop 180 story and/or picture by emailing us at: Admin@troop180dunbarpa.com!
**Also, join our email list and get information about our upcoming plans and events
Dunbar Boy Scout Troop 180 Holds 100th Anniversary Banquet
Dunbar’s Boy Scout Troop 180 celebrated its 100th anniversary at a banquet on February 25th with 175 in attendance. It was a joint banquet with Cub Scout Pack 180 and they also celebrated the advancement of the Troop’s 59th Eagle Scout.
Troop 180’s 100th Planning Committee Chair Bob Martin opened the ceremonies and served as MC for the program. Pastor Samantha Corbin of Dunbar’s Methodist Church provided a moving opening prayer and grace before dinner.
50 Cub Scouts were recognized for their accomplishments and advancements. Eight Cub Scouts received the highest award in Cub Scouting - the coveted Arrow of Light Award (AOL). Four AOLs crossed over to become members Boy Scout Troop 180.
The other four AOLs were female and are awaiting the formation of a female BSA Troop that may be formed in the area in the near future.
After a dinner catered by Pechin Market, the keynote speaker, PA State Senator Pat Stefano addressed the gathering sharing his perspectives as the father of two Eagle Scouts, the highest rank achievable in the Boy Scouting program. He ended by offering a toast “duo centas” inferring onward to 200 years. He also provided the troop leadership with a declaration from the PA State Senate.
Pa State Representative Ryan Warner also shared his congratulations from his perspective as a scout parent and serving as a den leader at the Perryopolis Cub Pack. He too provided a declaration for the PA State House. Fayette County Commissioner Scott Dunn, also a parent of a former Troop 180 Scout, presented the troop with a declaration from the county commissioners. Dunbar Township Supervisors George Stash, John Romanko and Keith Fordyce were also in attendance.
BSA District Executive Kristen Eagle congratulated the troop and recognized it as one of the oldest in the Westmoreland Fayette Council. She also presented the Troop’s chartering organization executive Cathy Crouse with their 100th year charter which drew a large response from the audience.
Next, the troop held a Court of Honor Ceremony recognizing their 59th Eagle Scout Johnathan Polyblank, son of Emma and Bob Polyblank of Connellsville. Johnathan recognized Emerson Long for being his mentor throughout his scouting career.
He also thanked the many other scout leaders in the banquet hall and said it was an honor to be recognized during the Troop’s 100th anniversary. Jonathan closed his speech stating that he would forever be proud of being a Dunbar Troop 180 Eagle Scout.
After the raffle results over 70 past and present scouts and leaders formed a circle and sang a very emotional Closing Campfire Song followed by all declaring "And now may the great scoutmaster of all scouts be with us until we meet again... Good night Scouts!".
100th Committee chair Bob Martin closed the celebrations stating “ The future of Troop and Pack 180 looks bright thanks to every scout leader in the room who makes it all possible day after day not seeking recognition,,, but hoping to make a difference in our scouts lives and improve our communities. They live the mantra – 'Building character one scout at a time…'
I hope to see you all in two years at Pack 180’s 75th anniversary in 2026.”
Troop 180 would like to thank everyone for their support in making this celebration possible especially Cathy and Crystal Crouse, Sandy Rosensteel of Harper School House Inc, Emerson Long and Jarrod Whoric of Fat Cats Tavern, Rittenhouse Bus Lines, and the many area businesses and individuals who placed congratulatory ads in the Troop’s 30-page commemorative booklet.
More pictures of the banquet are posted below our section thanking our supporters

Special Thanks to All of Our Supporters
Burhans-Crouse Funeral Home
Fat Cats Tavern
Harpers School House Inc.
Maloy's Garage
Hardline Tree Service
Dunbar Borough
John Toelken
Dunbar Historical Society Morrell Volunteer Fire Dept
Gayle and Monika Martin
Dennis Morrison
Rittenhouse Bus Lines, Inc
Erica Murphy Wellness
Spotto Ace Hardware
Bruner Insurance Agency
Summit Motors
Jessica Bortz Realtor
Dunbar Community Fest
Long Brothers Thrift Shop
Dunbar Township Supervisors
Jennifer Fitzgerald
Mindful of the past, working in the present to make a better future...
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